9" x 7" Exotic Wood Cutting/Chees Board

9" x 7" x 3/4" nominal thickness

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This small 9" x 7" board make a terrific cheese board, both for cutting and displaying smaller amounts of cheese! Plus it easily tucks away in a drawer when not in use.

The smaller size, the 3/4" thickness and the selection of the types of wood reduces the price on this board to the absolute lowest-priced board we offer.

This board makes a great gift item and can be custom ordered in larger quantities for business giveaways or gifts!

There are two styles of this board offered and use the same woods, just arranged in different patterns.

The woods used on this board are Hard Maple, Padauk, Cherry, Purpleheart and Ambrosia Maple.

It is finished with multiple coats of food-safe mineral oil and a final coat of our Cutting Board Butter!

Due to the small size, this board is offered without feet so both sides can be used as a cutting board. For a small fee, rubber feet, with stainless steel hardware, can be added to any of our boards upon request!

Tue, 12/27/2022 - 15:30

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