18" x 12" x 1" Exotic Wood Charcuterie/Cutting Board - Unique Stripe Pattern

18" x 12" x 1" nominal thickness

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This unique board can be used as both a charcuterie board and a cutting board! The cutting area is approximately 18" x 12".

The woods used in this board are: Cherry, Padauk, Hard Maple, Purpleheart and Walnut.

It is finished with multiple coats of food-grade mineral oil then a final coat of our Cutting Board Butter, a food-safe mixture of mineral oil, carnuba wax and beeswax.

This board is offered without feet so both sides can be used as a cutting board. For a small fee, rubber feet, with stainless steel hardware, can be added to any of our boards upon request!

Tue, 12/27/2022 - 13:07

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