25" x 12" x 1 3/4" End Grain Exotic Wood Cutting Board

25" x 12" x 1 3/4" Nominal Thickness

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Nothing is quite as unique as an end grain cutting board. This custom version is a whopping 25" long and 12.5" wide. It is a full 1 3/4" thick to stand up to heavy duty use. This one was custom ordered by my toughest customer, my wife! This board's purpose is to remain on the end of our kitchen island so it's always ready when you need to cut or chop something!

End grain boards are more suitable where the board will be used more for chopping than cutting. Since there is considerably more labor and wood involved to make end-grain boards, they are considerably more expensive.

The woods used in this board are: Cherry, Hard Maple, Ambrosia Maple, Walnut, Purpleheart and Padauk.

It is finished with multiple coats of food-grade mineral oil then a final coat of our Cutting Board Butter, a food-safe mixture of mineral oil, carnuba wax and beeswax.

It is also fitted with rubber feet on the bottom with all stainless steel hardware.

Fri, 01/27/2023 - 21:45

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