Cutting Board Butter

4 Ounce Metal Tin

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Our homemade Cutting Board Butter is a blend of food-safe mineral oil, food-safe beeswax and food-safe carnuba wax. It us used to restore the finish on wood cutting boards and charcuterie boards. The use of this product will help fill in knife marks and scratches on the board to make them less visible while also restoring the luster and providing a protective coat.

Use a clean rag and apply a liberal coat of the Cutting Board Butter to both surfaces and all sides of the board. Let it set for about 10 minutes (overnight is better) then begin rubbing the board with a dry cloth to a smooth luster.

Note: If your board has become significantly dry or dull, you should apply one or more coats of food-safe mineral oil and allow time to for each coat to absorb and dry before adding a final coat of Cutting Board Butter. Be sure to use only food-safe mineral oil which can be found in drug stores or bought online.

Cutting Board Butter can also be used to restore the shine and luster on other wood items in your kitchen such as wooden knife handles, wooden spoons and wooden bowls, that were originally finished with a food-safe, mineral oil-based coating.

Thu, 01/19/2023 - 09:07

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