24" x 8" Exotic Wood - Curved Charcuterie/Cutting Board

24" (overall) x 8" x 1" nominal thickness

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This unique board features one curved end and a curved handle and leather thong on the other end. The bottom edge of the board features a stylish concave curve.

This board can be used as both a charcuterie board and a cutting board. The cutting area is approximately 18" x 8".

The woods used in this board are Figured Cherry, Hard Maple and Purpleheart.

Please note that the Figured Cherry woods in this board have knots and naturally occurring small cracks.

It is finished with multiple coats of food-grade mineral oil then a final coat of our Cutting Board Butter, a food-safe mixture of mineral oil, carnuba wax and beeswax.

This board is offered without feet so both sides can be used as a cutting board. For a small fee, rubber feet, with stainless steel hardware, can be added to any of our boards upon request!

Tue, 12/27/2022 - 13:15

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