Custom 36" x 8" Exotic Wood Charcuterie Board with Handle

42" overall x 8" x 3/4" nominal thickness

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This custom made (for my wife) charcuterie board is 36" long x 8" wide and has a 6" long handle at one end with a leather thong attached so it can be hung on the wall. It is 3/4" nominal thickness to reduce weight. It has rubber feet mounted on the bottom using stainless steel hardware for no rust, no fuss maintenance. This board was made to fit on our island to match the length of our rangetop.

This item is shown as an example of the custom work we can do.

The woods used on this board are Padauk, Cherry, Walnut and Ambrosia Maple.

It is finished with multiple coats of food-safe mineral oil and a final coat of our Cutting Board Butter!

Tue, 12/27/2022 - 15:45

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